Saturday 22 December 2012

The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey UK Premiere

Well as you may have realised from my previous posts I have travelled to London last week to join the most amazing event of the year - premiere of the first film of The Hobbit Trilogy.
It was 7am when I got there, got my number for the line and waited.
And waited.
And then we moved a bit.
And waited.
And waited.
And then it finally started at 5.30pm. All going pretty slow and yet so fast that you can't really manage your book, pen, camera, words and hands well. Still I managed to get almost all the autographs, except my dear Richard (Thorin Oakenshield), but that's another story, also Billy and Dominic (Pipin and Merry) were late so they pretty much just ran by and waved. Princ William arrived even later and just drove by but even just a sight of him is priceless.
Plus the movie is A.M.A.Z.I.N.G. You should all go see it. Twice. At least. ;)

And now we wait for the next part.
And before that for the airlines to start selling tickets for December 2013. I'll be the first one tu buy them that's for sure.


  1. Noro! NORO! NOROOOOOOOO! <3
    Sploh ne najdem druge besede!

    1. Ja, sej si nekak povzela tut moje razmiĆĄljanje. :D Ker je res noro! :)
      Naslednje leto pa skupiiii! <3
