Thursday 27 March 2014

#100happydays Project

Yesterday I joined this challenge called 100 happy days that tries to make people acknowledge the small things in life and realise that everyday something can make you happy.
It's told that 71% of everyone that started did not finish through, usualy stating that life is too busy for this. But I don't think so, we can take time, we can make time like we do for our favourite tv show, facebook, etc.

You can check my pictures and thoughts on my blog, new page called simply #100happydays right here.

Hope you like it and join in as well.


  1. Zakon! Veš da sem tud jst gledala, če bi začela... Sam pol nisem. Mogoče kdaj, ko bom mela pameten telefon al neki, za prenašanje slik vsak dan sproti pa RES nimam časa. :-/ S tem da sm tud tiste listke mal pozabila pisat, kaj šele objavljat na blogu...

    1. Ja, vem, js bi tut prej začela če ne bi mela istih pomislekov. Ampak pol k sm tm prebrala kaj je ubistvu fora, da lih to da si vsak dan uzameš vsaj par minut da si srečen sm bla pa tko ok, sam res, to bi blo dobr. :) Upam, da rata, 100 dni je kr dost. :S

  2. Your blog is very useful for me.I really like you post.Thanks for sharing.
