Friday, 31 May 2013

Trip to Potsdam and Berlin

On the second weekend in May Ana, Maša and me drove off to Potsdam to visit Ana's exchange roommates. The drive was awesome, the people there amazing and the fact that we could get away from our daily happenings and practices and were able to just relax was priceless.
I will spare the words and just put some pictures on and hope you'll like them. :)
ps: this (Sneky) is my nickname by Ana and Maša
 If you haven't been to Berlin or Potsdam I suggest you take a trip. Potsdam is a really beautiful city and is shadowed by Berlin which doesn't do it justice. Plus it's easy to get to it, even if you're staying in Berlin you can get to it with a train that is in your daily Berlin transport ticket anyway. :)


  1. Replies
    1. Heh, hvala. :) Ta zadnji kolaž je bil res nor photoshot, sam sm dala pol skupi vse, haha, jih je blo preveč. :)

    2. Ob kšni priložnosti jih pa le napopaj v original velikostih! :) Ker so res nore! :)

    3. Sej morda so kkšne na fb tko posebi, no kolaža tm zihr ne, ker sm ga prejle ustvarla. :)
      Hvala, še enkrat.

  2. tale rumena polja... <3
    (sej vem, da bi mogla to vedet, ampak kaj je to?)

    1. Oljna repica. :)
      Fuuul so lepa. Če bi šli počasnej (sam v Nemčiji nimajo omejitev na avtocestah) bi mogoče ratala še kkšna slika z več rumene. :)

  3. Hudoooo! :) Pa ful lepo, da se še ljudje iz gimnazije skupi družijo za razliko od nekaterih... No sej midve se bova tud kma-a-al ;)

    1. Hehe, ja mal se je treba. :D Sej se najdeve nasledn tedn. :) *

  4. Replies
    1. Hehe, ja treba si je vzet čas. :) Sej zihr znaš. ;) Vse se da, če se hoče pa to. :D
