Friday, 24 May 2013

New DIY sweater, a pouch, cushions, flowers, bags, and a viola case

First of all I have to say that I am not forgetting about concerts or my amazing friends but it has to wait for the next entry. :)
So as you might have noticed I wasn't being the best blogger in past 2 months. They have been really busy and then there was just too many things piled up already.
In the beginning of April an attempt to sew a sweater turned out quite good actually. This picture though is taken before the final alterations were made but it is a really cool sweater and it is working well for me.

The next project was this lovely wedding pouch that I was asked to make by my friend, the bride to be. We picked the fabric in Svet metraže of course and here it is now.

Then it was time to finally make some cushions. My mom got me two from somewhere but these were not really nice so I wanted to put them in a different fabric. Went to Svet metraže with my friend and (well you know what happens) came home with the fabric for these two cushions. But I believe you might have figured out that you can't really have just two, when you have some more lying around and when we have some filling for the cushions in our scouts storage. That's why another trip to Svet metraže was inevitable and because I then took more than was really necessary I just did two more for the chairs in my room. Voilà.

And to expand our pin club which I run with amazing help of two vice presidents, Sally and Ashley, I made another 5 flowers, each one-of-a-kind, for my other American best friends. But for everyone who thinks that's all it takes to be in the pin club you are wrong. The initiation that followed was not a joke. Everyone had to promise to obey the one and only rule: to have your pin with you at all times. Plus you have to know the anthem and chant it three times with some awesome choreography included. It is extremely catchy though so you might hear it from me soon enough. :D

Next up are the lovely bags, made for my favourite ladies, Sally and Ashley. In Svet metraže (where else you know) they picked out there fabric and after a couple of weeks I had one evening when I just decided I should saw them already. I don't have the most representative pictures, the insides are pretty much the same as in this one. The last one I made for me, out of the fabric I had left and it took more time because I had to saw all the smaller pieces together and get some extra from an altogether different fabric but it's looking just as good (some say even better).

And last but most certainly not least is my new viola case. Well not new but it does look so. In the same fabric store that was already mentioned too many times today I found this fabric quite some time ago and bought it so I would make a bag out of it. I still didn't come to that because I want to make a really special one so I will have to take more than two or three hours one day. But then one friend gave me this idea to somehow adjust my viola case with something British and there it was, I knew instantly what I wanted to do. Even though it really bothers me that this pattern is not exactly precise I went for it (instead of the London map I used for the cushions that I was thinking about as well) because I really do love entire UK and it's now 'written' all over my viola case, plain and simple. ;)

Looking forward to read some comments so please do share your thoughts.
Thank you.


  1. My thoughts... Moram slišat pesmico in videt koreografijo... V zvezi s sponkami ;)

    1. Hehe, OK, če pridš kkšn četrtk na kongresca jo boš lahko slišala še od več članov kluba, ne samo mene. :D

    2. Ja, upam, da mi kdaj uspe! :)

  2. o kul, ful je dobr pršla torba... si dobr uštukala. (:

    1. Hvala.
      Nekak je bolš kt sm misnla da bo ratal. :)

  3. So great! Loved that you gave people a glimpse into pin club without fully revealing it. And I absolutely love your violin good!- Sally

    1. Thank you, girl. :)
      well yes, unless they get their pin AND be initiated they can't know it all.
      It is awesome, UK you know, can't get better. ;)

  4. vse je super, ampak kovček za violo.....WOW. svaka čast!!!

    1. hvala, hvala. :)
      O ja, js ga tut obožujem, hehe, sej ga boš prej al slej tut v živo vidla. :)
