Sunday 14 October 2012


Trying to put all these wonderful feelings and all in words is definitely hard. I'll try though because honestly I haven't felt this good in some time and it would be nice to put it out here, like it's the proper thing to do. Since it's nothing big and yet everything feels perfect. All the small, not just small, tiny things,
and moments that only last a second, tiny second.
(If we leave out Academy but that can be all done too.)

It is mostly because of all the loved ones that surround me. I feel very blessed to have the best people that I can trust and every moment spent together is worth cherishing. As it doesn't seem right to name names here I hope each and every one of them knows it's them that I have in mind. :)

I think I now know why I'm never cold. These people keep me warm,
warm from the deepest corners of my heart to the very fingertips.
I wish I could love you more. :)

I hope that someday I will dare to say I was here.

- amazing year with my wonderful friends and family -


  1. It's amazing how your words awake my gratitude and happiness.
    (I just want to hug you right now!)

    1. Aaaw thanks, hun.
      You'll get a big bear-like one when we meet. ;)
