Sunday, 23 December 2012


I always say my favourite store is Müller, and for maybe half a year now I usually say Svet metraže, but this week I'm convinced again that my favourite store is Primark. Every time I go to London I bring home too many things. Well there is never too many, just for the sake of my carry on baggage and my travel condition of being dressed as an Eskimo.
It's all worth it though, the empty wallet and less money on the bank account is not really a problem when you realise how much you got for the same amount that would only be enough for like 3 things in Slovenia.
Beside Primark there are always these little shops on the streets where they sell everything British. And since they are pretty cheap, at least the things I was looking at, I finally brought home some Union Jack themed stuff that I can use every day. Like for example my new wallet. I just love it.
So do go to London, I just gave you another great reason for it. :)
PS: The picture does not contain everything I bought. There are more gloves and another shirt that my friend already got when we met.


  1. o, ful mi je lepa ta črna london majčka.
    in še enkrat ful sori za gumb na plaščku, upam da se je dal popravt. :/
    in še enkrat miljonkrat hvala za brkce. (: (: so že oprani in čakajo, da jih oblečem.

    1. Men je tut všeč. ;) Pa še pocen je bila, se ve, da.
      Ni problema, edin spomn me še kej da ga res popravim, zdej še zmer zavezan čepi tm gor. :)
      Ni za kej. Upam, da jih bom videvala še dolgo let. :D xo

  2. Sploh nimam besed. Komaj že čakam tvoje božično darilo.

    1. Nimaš besed zaradi..? Megastoče nakupov al števila nakupov v smislu kaj je s tabo, da si tok kupila (in zakaj nisi še več)? :D
      Božično darilo as in metuljček? :)

    2. V smislu kok si ful obsedena in kok kulske stvari si dejansko kupla.

    3. Hehe, aha, ok, to pa pravilno. :D
      Da, samo ne vem če bo lih božično, časovno premiki so mogoči.

    4. Urca gor, urca dol. Ni pene. =)

    5. Deal.
      Kako sva že rekla za barvo?

    6. Pa nč se nisva rekla. Se pustim presenetit.
